Digital Media & Computer Vision Laboratory has researches about computer vision, artificial intelligence and computer graphics. We are mainly supported by NSFC and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, deeply cooperated with Tencent and SenseTime.
Welcome excellent undergraduates and masters to join us to be full or part time students. Please click HERE to obtain more details about us!!
For internship, please refer to HERE (INTERN).
实验室承办 CCF CAD/Graphics 2023、CCF CAD/CG 2023、GDC 2023 诚邀国内外学者、教师、学生以及工业界的专家、专业技术人员积极投稿,并参会交流
2023-12-11: One paper first-authored by SHU Zixi is accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023. News in Chinese.
2023-07-10: We have 10 papers accpeted to TPAMI. News in Chinese.
2023-05-10: 热烈祝贺院旺同学、王楠同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺院旺博士、王楠博士!
Congratulations to Dr. YUAN Wang and Dr. WANG Nan
for their successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2023-03-01: 热烈祝贺刘琦同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺刘琦博士!
Congratulations to Dr. LIU Qi for his successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2023-02-28: Four papers are accepted to CVPR 2023.
2023-01-14: One paper first-authored by ZHOU Qianyu is accepted to TPAMI.
2022-12-08: The paper first authored by Dr. SHAO Zhiwen becomes an ESI highly cited paper (top 1% cited).
Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning, TAFFC
2022-11-24: 热烈祝贺李梦甜同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺李梦甜博士!
Congratulations to Dr. LI Mengtian for her successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2022-11-09: One paper first-authored by ZHOU Qianyu is accepted to TPAMI.
2022-07-10: Welcome! Dr. TAN Xin continues wokring with us at the team of ECNU.
2022-07-08: Four papers are accepted to ECCV 2022.
2022-07-01: Seven papers are accepted to ACM MM 2022.
2022-06-10: One paper first-authored by Dr. TAN Xin is accepted to TPAMI.
2022-05-13: 热烈祝贺陈成伟同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺陈成伟博士!
Congratulations to Dr. CHEN Chengwei for his successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2022-05-12: One paper first-authored by FENG Zhengyang is accepted to PR.
One paper first-authored by Mengtian Li is accepted to PR.
One paper first-authored by ZHOU Qianyu is accepted to CVIU.
2022-04-20: 热烈祝贺谭鑫同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺谭鑫博士!
Congratulations to Dr. TAN Xin for his successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2022-03-10: We have 14 papers accpeted to CVPR 2022. News in Chinese.
2021-12-14: 古祁琦同学获评上海市优秀毕业生。陈攀,许嘉晨,徐洪义同学获评上海交通大学优秀毕业生。
2021-12-01: Five papers are accepted to AAAI 2022. The acceptance rate is 50% (5/10) for our lab.
- Task-level Self-supervision for Cross-domain Few-shot Learning, AAAI 2022
- Exploiting Fine-grained Face Forgery Clues via Progressive Enhancement Learning, AAAI 2022
- Delving into the local: Dynamic Inconsistency Learning for DeepFake Video Detection, AAAI 2022
- Comprehensive Regularization in a Bi-directional Predictive Network for Video Anomaly Detection, AAAI 2022
- Feature Generation and Hypothesis Verification for Reliable Face Anti-Spoofing, AAAI 2022
2021-11-21: 热烈祝贺助理教授易冉博士获得2021年度“中国图象图形学学会石青云女科学家奖”
- 2021-11-09: 热烈祝贺孙若琪同学、HABTAMU FANTA ALAMBO同学通过博士论文答辩!
Congratulations to Dr. SUN RUOQI and Dr. HABTAMU FANTA ALAMBO
for their successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
2021-10-29: One paper about Night-time semantic segmentation is accepted to IEEE TIP.
2021-07-09: 热烈欢迎助理教授易冉博士, 博士后陈玉珑博士加入DMCV!
Welcome Dr. Ran YI, and Dr. Yulong CHEN to the DMCV!
- 2021-07-05: Three papers are accepted to ACM MM 2021. (27.2% acceptance rate for each paper.)
- End-to-End Video Object Detection with Spatial-Temporal Transformers, ACM MM 2021
- Spatiotemporal Inconsistency Learning for DeepFake Video Detection, ACM MM 2021
- Adaptive Normalized Representation Learning for Generalizable FaceAnti-Spoofing, ACM MM 2021
- 2021-05-25: 团队获得了2020年度上海市科技进步特等奖!不忘初心,科技为民!
- 人民日报:大江东|上海科技奖,足金足赤“特等奖”藏着啥“上海秘密”
- 解放日报·上观新闻:健康绿码的背后,是中国人18次破世界纪录!刚刚,这座特等奖给了他们
- 文汇报:十年磨一剑,铸就200亿人次“亮码”
- 新民晚报:这项覆盖10亿人的发明获特等奖
- 澎湃:为腾讯健康码辨人脸,上海交大这个团队获上海科技进步特等奖
- 上海新闻广播:【听】2020年度上海科技奖成果背后的创新答案
- 青年报:上海市科技奖|我们熟悉的“健康绿码”背后,有这么一个团队
- 2021-05-21: 热烈祝贺朱恒亮同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺朱恒亮博士!
- Congratulations to Dr. ZHU HENGLIANG for his successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
- 博士论文:《基于图像的视觉显著性检测技术研究》
- 2021-04-30: Three papers are accepted to IJCAI 2021. (13.9% acceptance rate for each paper.)
- Novelty Detection via Contrastive Learning with Negative Data Augmentation, IJCAI 2021
- Dual Reweighting Domain Generalization for Face Presentation Attack Detection, IJCAI 2021
- Learn from Concepts: Towards the Purified Memory for Few-shot Learning, IJCAI 2021
- 2021-04-14: A paper is accepted to IEEE TIP.
- Explicit Facial Expression Transfer via Fine-Grained Representations, IEEE TIP
- 2021-04-07: A paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI.
- Understanding Pixel-level 2D Image Semantics with 3D Keypoint Knowledge Engine, IEEE TPAMI
- 2021-03-26: 热烈祝贺汪旻同学通过博士论文答辩!祝贺汪旻博士!
- Congratulations to Dr. WANG MIN for his successful Ph.D. Dissertation Defense!
- 博士论文:《基于单目视觉系统的人体三维姿态估计和模型重建研究》
- 2021-03-04: Three papers are accepted by CVPR 2021.
- 2020-10-14: One paper is accepted by AAAI 2021.
- 2020-07-04: Two papers are accepted by ECCV 2020.